Sports Apparel To Keep You Dry & Fresh

Abhimanyu Das READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Trust me, I know what you're thinking - or will be soon. Dry Defense Athletic Apparel? Humorless, vaguely unwieldy name? Check. Likelihood that it's simply another clothing line claiming to perform miracles while merely looking boxy and cheap? Check. Contrary to what you might be thinking, however - and in contrast to the incredibly cheesy branding and marketing of the product - the pieces that we checked out actually do what their makers promise they'll do. Brilliant! If you're looking for a convenient way to stay dry and odor-free on long summer days - or active winter days for that matter - read on.

When you read between the lines, the Dry Defense line claims to be a superior alternative to the better known Nike or UnderArmour sportswear; they're all geared towards leaving you dry, sweet smelling (assuming you started the day off that way!) and "energized" through your strenuous fitness-related activities. And while all of the brands use various combinations of moisture-wicking fabric, Dry Defense goes one step further: sweat pads.

The pads on Dry Defense Sports Apparel "siphon" moisture from your body, leaving the outer layers stain-free, and keeping you cool and dry. The company has also found that many of their products also help to increase cardiac output (a good thing) by optimizing the body's core temperature and air circulation. A lofty claim - that's also somewhat difficult for this lowly writer to confirm scientifically - but given the impressive sweat-wicking ability, we wouldn't doubt it.

In addition, the compression gear augments athletic performance a bit - a useful bonus whether you're running a marathon or simply around the block. Even better, it does this without feeling restrictive or uncomfortable, by applying compression only to specific parts of the body. (Picture a sort of rig-support-system assisting your muscles as you use them- only without the discomfort that this image likely conjures up!) This compression helps with a variety of physical activities - from hiking to lifting weights, as the material seems to give the muscles lift and keep you limber. Significantly, it also stays light and dries quickly.

The Dry Defense product line includes a reasonably wide variety of polo shirts, undershirts, t-shirts, tank tops, and more. Contrary to what you might be thinking, unlike a lot of performance enhancing clothing, these pieces are neither square nor cheap looking; in fact, they're somewhat tailored and the pads aren't bulky or clearly visible to others. They offer both padded and non-padded items that wick moisture away - using double-sided fabric - while still providing insulation. You can, therefore, stay comfortable in the heat without entirely sacrificing style.

In sum, Dry Defense Athletic Apparel (oh, that name!) is recommended for those who want a less expensive - and more effective - option to the usual Nike and UnderArmour gear. Whether you're looking for comfortable sportswear or a base layer to wear during the summer, these pieces won't leave you looking and smelling like a used dishrag.

They might not have slick marketing campaigns behind them, but they do the job. (And we're certainly not going to complain about that picture...)

by Abhimanyu Das

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