LGBT rights orgs. endorse gay RI mayor for Congress

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has formally joined the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund in endorsing openly gay Democrat David Cicilline for U.S. Congress.

"The Human Rights Campaign is proud to endorse Mayor Cicilline, who has a long record of supporting full equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community," HRC president Joe Solmonese said. "After serving in the Rhode Island Legislature, Cicilline ran for mayor of Providence as an openly gay candidate and was elected with 84 percent of the vote. He turned the city around, which was struggling with a nearly $60 million deficit, and was later re-elected. Cicilline has our full support as he runs to become the next U.S. Representative from Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District."

Cicilline's current position of Providence mayor makes him the first openly gay mayor of a U.S. capital. He announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives at a swine flu vaccine clinic on Feb. 13. "What we need in Washington is someone who understands what's happening to families in our cities and towns in this country," he said.

"Mayor Cicilline's election will be good news not only for the people of Rhode Island, but for LGBT Americans everywhere who would gain another authentic voice in Congress," said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Victory Fund. "Having managed Providence for the past eight years, Mayor Cicilline knows what Congress needs to do to help cities emerge from a harsh recession and to put Americans back to work."

Democrat William Lynch has also announced his candidacy to fill the congressional seat vacated by Patrick Kennedy, who said he intends to focus on building a personal life following the August 2009 death of his father, Sen. Ted Kennedy. Also running -- or thought to announce their candidacy soon -- are former congressman Robert Weygand, Secretary of State A. Ralph Mollis, Cumberland, Mayor Daniel McKee, and state Reps. Jon Brien, John Loughlin, and Edwin Pacheco.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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