Bare chests at bear bar a health code violation?

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Bartenders at Ogonquit gay bar Mainestreet, located on Route 1, have been ordered to put their shirts back on. Code Enforcement Officer Paul Lempicki told Mainestreet owner Normand Paquin that the topless tenders represented a "health hazard." Paquin was also instructed to cover up whiskey bottles that were visible from the street.

"There's a lot of understanding and misunderstanding about the deck," Paquin told The owner plans to install beach grass in the coming weeks, and believes that the bar is "well within compliance" of town and state code.

Town officials have since admitted that they're unsure whether or not any actual health code violations are occurring.

A demonstration was organized by Mainestreet patrons in protest of the order to have the employees cover up. The protest was held July 24 at 10 p.m. outside of the bar.

Lempicki's investigation followed complaints from Ogonquit resident Harriet Yaffe, who said that she has nothing against gay men, but thinks topless bartenders are "tacky," especially when they're visible from the street. "I have no problem with eating outside or having a nice outside bar," Yaffe told "I love Ogunquit and I love the gay men. I have no problems with anyone. I just don't want a tacky town."

"It's going to become another P-town," she lamented.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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