Atlanta to Host National Polyamorous Conference

Conswella Bennett READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A couple of years ago, polyamory was being touted as the next sexual revolution. And since its emergence in the mainstream, more people have begun to embrace these types of open relationships.

"Polyamory is the non-possessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously," according to a definition on the Polyamory Society's Web site. "Polyamory emphasizes consciously choosing how many partners one wishes to be involved with rather than accepting social norms which dictate loving only one person at a time... Polyamory embraces sexual equality and all sexual orientations towards an expanded circle of spousal intimacy and love."

In an effort to help educate and inform people about polyamory, the three-day National Polyamorous Conference will take place in Atlanta on March 25-27.

Pocket; Billy Holder and Jeremy Mullins; three members of the Atlanta polyamorous community known as PB&J who are hosting the conference, say it will be a participant-generated conference on the emergence of polyamory into mainstream culture.

"For us the importance of such an event is to show that it is possible to openly, honestly, ethically, and responsibly be in non- monogamous relationships," Holder told EDGE in an e-mail.

He stressed the convention's goal is to "help grow Love and Learn while building a community of like-minded individuals. "Also it shows that this love style is spreading across the country and not just in places like San Fran, New York, and Seattle," added Holder. "It's real and happening everywhere."

Mullins agreed.

"I think that it's important to bring exposure to polyamory as a normal and valid alternative to monogamy," he said. "We also think it's important to provide a resource to a rapidly growing segment of the population."

Holder said he believes this if the first time, to the group's knowledge that a National Polyamory conference has been held in Atlanta.

PB&J also help to organize monthly Atlanta polyamory meet-up. And Pocket writes articles for the up and coming polyamory e-zine, Modern Poly.

The conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Atlanta-Airport (1325 Virginia Ave.) Participants will have the opportunity to attend a wide array of educational sessions on topics that include everyday poly living, activism and community organizing, radical theory.

Some of the presenters for Atlanta Poly Weekend include therapist and social worker Carol Morotti-Meeker; Cunning Minx, host of Polyamory Weekly podcast; Dr. Elisabeth Sheff, assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University; Jessica Karels, author of Young Metro Poly; attorney John B. Miller; journalist Kelley Clark; Kenneth R. Haslam, founder of the Polyamory Collection at the Kinsey Institute; and BDSM and poly activist and psychology student Ms Noel are scheduled to attend.

Frolicon, Outlanta Con, and Modern Poly are sponsoring Atlanta Poly Weekend. The conference is open to anyone over the age of 16. The online registration fee is $45 and the "at the door" price is $50. Log onto for more information.

by Conswella Bennett

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