Has the New N.Y. Marriage Equality Coalition Delivered?

Michael K. Lavers READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Activists stressed unity and cohesion when they unveiled in April a new coalition designed to secure marriage equality in New York once and for all. New Yorkers United for Marriage includes the Empire State Pride Agenda, Freedom to Marry, the Human Rights Campaign, Log Cabin Republicans and Marriage Equality New York. The question remains, however, whether this coalition has been able to deliver any tangible results.

"[It has been] enormously successful in that the groups are working well together in a smart, strategic and focused way," HRC's Brian Ellner told EDGE.

A new Quinnipiac University poll indicates a record 58 percent of New Yorkers support marriage equality. "Vogue" Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour, Sean Avery of the New York Rangers, Kenneth Cole and Larry King are among the high profile New Yorkers who have publicly endorsed nuptials for same-sex couples.

Marriage equality remains one of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top legislative priorities, but he has repeatedly said he will not introduce a bill until it has enough votes to pass.

State Sen. Diane Savino [D-Staten Island] confirmed to marriage equality supporters at a Marriage Equality New York fundraiser in Manhattan last month there are currently 26 pro-marriage equality votes in the state Senate-it needs 32 votes in order to pass.

"Gov. Cuomo has made it clear: The point is to change the law so everybody can marry the person they love, and to get that done now," said Ellner. "That's where all of our supporters, including the vast majority of New Yorkers are pushing for in this legislative session."

The clock is certainly ticking.

The legislative session will end on June 20, and marriage equality activists continue to lobby undecided lawmakers. Neither Ellner nor anyone else affiliated with the coalition with whom EDGE has spoken in recent weeks would identify specific legislators with whom they have met. It remains clear, however, there is a growing sense of urgency around the issue.

HRC delivered 25,000 signed postcards to state Senators in Albany and in their in-district offices on Friday, June 3. "The idea was to get all constituents to sign these things and deliver them to their senators," said HRC spokesperson Kevin Nix.

Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos [R-Rockville Centre] has said he would allow his members to vote their conscience if a marriage equality bill were to reach the Senate floor, but activists will surely not convince state Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr., [D-Bronx] and other vehement opponents to back the measure.

"My basis is that it's against nature and that it's something that should not... not... not... should not be," he told "New York 1's" Juan Manuel Benitez on Friday, May 27. Diaz and the National Organization for Marriage organized an anti-marriage equality rally in the Bronx on May 15. He has also called for a boycott of New York's largest Spanish-language newspaper, "El Diario La Prensa", after it editorialized in support of marriage equality.

In spite of these efforts, Ellner said the coalition remains focused on securing marriage equality for all New Yorkers.

"We have a lot of momentum and this is obviously the moment to get this done," he said.

by Michael K. Lavers , National News Editor

Based in Washington, D.C., Michael K. Lavers has appeared in the New York Times, BBC, WNYC, Huffington Post, Village Voice, Advocate and other mainstream and LGBT media outlets. He is an unapologetic political junkie who thoroughly enjoys living inside the Beltway.

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