Falling In Love With "Girls" - Finale

Kevin Taft READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Episode 10: Season Finale

And it all comes down to "THIS."

So, as a result of Marnie not wanting to deal with Hannah's endless self-made drama, Marnie moves out. She hands Hannah the keys to the apartment with a "we'll see each other." When Hannah wants to know when, she replies with a "don't push it." In the meantime, she moves in with Shoshanna because Jessa is nowhere to be found. Why you might ask? Well, in a matter of hours she has texted all her friends to show up at a surprise-surprise party. "Dress nice."

So off the girls go to a party they are clueless about. Until out walks Thomas John (Chris O'Dowd's businessman) and then... Jessa. Dressed in hippie-chic wedding attire.

What the what????

Apparently, we learn (during their wedding vows), Thomas John was so smitten with Jessa's hatred of him on their derailed three-way evening, that he pursued her until she gave in and went to dinner with him. There, she states, she fell in love with his mind.

I'm not so sure I'm buying this, especially when they are dancing at the wedding and she keeps pushing him away. Later on, though, she seems smitten herself, so I'm unclear whether it's all on the up and up or not. But like Episode 9, this development seemed to come out of nowhere and actually, would have been a nice story arc for her, an arc we completely miss.

At the party, other drama transpires: Shoshanna - feeling alone and angry at everyone and everything - goes home with Ray where they appear to have sex. (It gets stopped then started again.) That poor girl. Her na�ve decision making is soooo questionable and silly. Yet, no one can give her direction because they are all so self-involved they can't see beyond their own bubble.

Elsewhere at the party, Charlie makes an unsuccessful attempt to have sex with Marnie (even though he still has a girlfriend) and then sees her kissing another guy at the wedding.

But the real drama is Adam's latest freak-out, but... deservedly so. You see, he commented that maybe he'd move in with Hannah since she was down a roommate. Hannah, having no self-esteem, thinks he's just trying to help out rather than realizing he truly loves her. So she ends up arranging for gay Elijah to move in. When she tells Adam he's off the hook - well, all hell breaks loose and he calls Hannah out on her erratic behavior. He reminds her she got everything she wanted. He's there. He loves her. But she can't accept it. Because she truly has no self-esteem. As she said to Marnie a few weeks earlier. Something like: "You can't say anything negative about me that I haven't already said myself in the last 30 minutes."

And that's when he gets hit by a car.

He's fine, mind you, but refuses to allow Hannah to go to the hospital with him. "She's a monster!"

So she takes the subway home. Falling asleep. Ending up in Coney Island. Purse stolen.

End of Season One.

Now that it's over, I have to reiterate what a provocative and insightful show this is. While it might really annoy people because of the selfish and entitled characters... that's what the show is about! Just like "Sex and the City" was about rich hip white women gallivanting about New York in clothes no one could ever afford, this is the realistic flip side. But what Lena Dunham does is show her generation as they are. And in doing so, perhaps she'll be able to shine a big enough light that maybe... just maybe... her generation can step out of themselves for just one minute, and see the world around them.....

and the people standing right in front of their faces.

by Kevin Taft

Kevin Taft is a screenwriter/critic living in Los Angeles with an unnatural attachment to 'Star Wars' and the desire to be adopted by Steven Spielberg.

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