AIDS Walk: San Diego

Chris Sosa READ TIME: 2 MIN.

There is an incredibly beautiful moment you won't want to miss; the sunrise over Balboa Park on Sunday, September 30. The moment when the day breaks over a sea of signs with big yellow shoes and everyone around you is united for one cause-HIV/AIDS care, treatment and education. AIDS Walk is coming soon, so get your tennis shoes out and bring a friend.

Sarafina Scapicchio, the director of special events for the San Diego LGBT Community Center, which produces AIDS Walk, offered up some tips on gathering your walk sponsors, "I always tell people not to be scared that you are not going to raise enough. Most everyone who walks raises money in $10 and $25 increments and that adds up to big money raised-just ask ten friends for $10. Everything we raise together as a community is matched by foundations. It multiplies in ways we don't understand and it makes a big difference."

To pull off the big day The Center needs more than 800 volunteers. Scapicchio notes, "you can sign up on the web- site to be involved as a volunteer-you can click what type of volunteer work you are interested in and they will find the right project for you. There is also a phone banking project happening every Wednesday night at The Center from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. If you are not able to directly participate in the walk this is a great way to help. We are trying to raise as much money as possible. Last year with the matching foundation funding we raised over $400,000!"

Scapicchio also notes that in addition to "Most Funds Raised" by individuals and team competitions, there are two friendly new contests this year. This year's new qualifiers are "Best Team Theme" and "Best Team T-shirt." "Over the years there have been many creative team names and t-shirts honoring loved ones. Show your spirit and get creative to win great prizes!"

For those who enjoy a little faster pace, try the AIDS Run San Diego, it's a 10k on the same day, with the same registration process. Scapicchio says, "People really love this run through Balboa Park. It gets more and more popular as years go by. The great thing is it's a credited course with timers and standings. You'll know who qualified and who won in each division later in the day or first thing Monday.

For more information on recipients, AIDS Walk San Diego or to register for the walk visit

by Chris Sosa

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