Colbert Trumps Trump With $1M Teabagging Bet

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Donald Trump challenged President Barack Obama on Wednesday in a strange deal and asked the president to reveal his college and passport application records to the public. If he did so, the business mogul would donate $5 million to any charity of the president's choice, CBS News reports.

But political satirist Stephen Colbert was quick to respond to the offer and challenged Trump to his own deal.

Trump built up the big "announcement" and many speculated "The Apprentice" star to have some dirt on the president -- many suggested that he got his hands on the Barack and Michelle Obama's alleged divorce papers. But when Trump finally revealed the bet on YouTube, several pundits and celebrities reacted to the challenge and declared it a bust.

"Now, I have a deal for the President," Trump said in his YouTube announcement. "If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice -- inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research, anything he wants, a check, immediately, for $5 million."

One of the most interesting reactions to Trump's announcement came from Colbert. On his show "The Colbert Report," the comedian made his own offer to the billionaire and said he would he would give $1 million to any charity of his choice if he lets him put his scrotum in the businessman's mouth.

"I'm so moved by this generous offer, that I have an offer of my own," Colbert said. He went on to say that he would give $1 million to the charity of his choice.

"One million actual dollars if you will let me dip my balls in your mouth," he said to a round of applause and cheers from his audience. "But, but, but, this dipping, and I hope you are listening very carefully Mr. Trump, this dipping has to be to my and, more importantly, my ball's satisfaction."

A number of Christian conservatives even thought Trump's offer was ridiculous and commented on the incident when websites Freerepublic and World Net Daily reported the story.

"Donald dum dum. I knew I was going to be underwhelmed," one person on Freerepublic wrote. "LOL, Trump has nothing. What a bunch of nonsense. No one is going to take this seriously. At least Allred seems to have nothing either," another wrote.

"I can't believe that this site is acting as though this announcement is of any import whatsoever. ROFL!" a commenter wrote on World Net Daily.

Watch Trump's and Colbert's video below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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