Irish Chef Guilty of Raping Lesbian

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A chef from Ireland has been found guilty of raping a woman in January 2010 and was sentenced to 29 years, International Business Times reports.

Samir Mansour, 46, from Mullingar, Ireland, which is about 50 miles west of Dublin, was sentenced for nearly three decades for rape, false imprisonment, sexual assault and threatening to kill. Mansour, who told his victim that he was gay, was slammed with two nine-and-a-half years sentences for rape, three years for threatening to kill the young woman and six years for false imprisonment. He was also given a one-and-a-half year suspended sentence, which will all run concurrently, which means he will actually serve eight years behind bars.

The chef met the victim, who was 19 at the time of the attack, at a club in Westmeath, about 10 miles west of Mullingar. The woman told Mansour that she is a lesbian and he told her that he is gay. Although she did not believe him, she attended a party at his house.

According to the Irish publication the Irish newspaper the Independent, the chef cooked her a meal and put on porn before attacking her.

Once she realized that no one else was attending the party, she went to the bathroom to call friends for help but could not get through. When she tried to leave the house, he attacked her by grabbing her arm and throwing her onto the wall.

Although she bit him in the chest, he managed to bring her to his bedroom and raped and orally raped the young woman. The victim claimed that Mansour said he threatened to poke her eyes out and kill her if she did not perform oral sex on him.

Mansour, who has been married twice, was found guilty of the crime on Dec. 7.

Judge Iseult O'Malley told the court that the victim was terrified after the incident and suffered internal injuries, nightmares, panic attacks and flashbacks to the attack. The Independent points out that the victim was "raped with such force that she suffered deep internal laceration and bruises on the arms and legs." Additionally, she had to undergo tests for hepatitis and other diseases.

When O'Malley delivered Mansour's sentence, she mentioned that she gave the attacker credit for having a previously good record and work record.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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