January 24, 2013
Be a Gogo God (Or Goddess!) for a Good Cause
Paul Weinstein READ TIME: 2 MIN.
OK, so you didn't make the cut on "Dancing With the Stars." And you don't want to quit your day job to follow your dream. But you've always had this fantasy of dancing on a box at a megaparty while the throngs of revelers below gaze up at you longingly.
Now's your chance to make that dream a reality. The Winter Party needs a few good men -- well, actually several -- who are willing to shed their clothes, shake their booty and dance at the hottest party in Miami. Oh, and women: Yes, gals, they're looking for women, too. (Editor's note: I love seeing both sexes represented on gogo boxes at parties. Much sexier!)
You[ll be volunteering for a good cause. The Winter Party benefits the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force and and local LGBT organizations through the Dade Community Foundation, an umbrella philanthropic group that distributes the money generated from the party to the community.
The Winter Party takes place right on the Atlantic Ocean beach in Miami Beach, at Ocean Drive at 13th Street, takes place this year during the afternoon-into-evening on Sunday, March 10. Winter Party organizers are also looking for visually stunning Fred Astaires and Ginger Rogers (Rogerses plural?) for other events leading up to the big party, such as a poolside tea dance.
If you think you have what it takes, send a head shot and a PG-13 full body picture to the Entertainment Manager at WPFentertainment@aol.com. Use the subject line: "WPF Entertainment Casting."
Of course, you get in free to the party, a nice side benefit. You will get a costume, which you can take out in later years to show the young'uns. Wallflowers, the shy, the meek and the uncoordinated need not apply. Exhibitionists, lovers of the dance, those with a sense of humor, and friendly types, send those photos!
Check out the photo albums in the "Related Stories" accompanying this article for some photos of gogo dancers at past Winter Party events.
Come on people, step up to the plate. This is Miami, land of the sculpted physiques. Do your town proud!!