Indiana Voters Split on Gay Marriage, According to New Poll

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The pro-gay marriage group Freedom Indiana released a new poll on Tuesday that found Indiana voters were split when it comes to marriage equality.

The poll surveyed 800 registered Indiana voters and found 46 percent would vote against amending the state's constitution to define marriage between one man and one woman. The poll also found, however, that 43 percent would support amending the constitution.

Additionally, the poll found that 64 percent of voters say amending the constitution is not the way to deal with gay marriage while 36 percent marriage equality should be settled by amending Indiana's constitution.

"The message from these results is clear: Hoosiers overwhelmingly support some legal recognition for same-sex couples, and they oppose amending the Indiana Constitution to address the issue of same-sex marriage and rights," Freedom Indiana campaign manager Megan Robertson said in a press release

The poll also asked voters if they support an amendment that would ban civil unions and domestic partnerships in Indiana. Fifty-two percent said they would vote against the amendment while 33 percent support it.

"Hoosiers do not want our Constitution amended, and we hope lawmakers will hear that message and make the right decision during the legislative session to either let this amendment die or vote it down," Robertson added. "We're working every day to reach out across the state and let folks know that this amendment will rewrite our Constitution to remove protections for certain Hoosiers and send the wrong message about our state." reports that the poll was released the same day when the Indiana Senate Republican caucus is set to debate marriage equality. The House GOP caucus is also scheduled to have a private meeting on Tuesday, but it has not been revealed what they will discuss.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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