Bosma Expects Gay Marriage Ban Answer This Session

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma says he expects lawmakers to reach a conclusion this year on amending the state's same-sex marriage ban into the constitution but hasn't decided on timetable for tackling the issue in the 2014 session.

Bosma did not include the ban on a list of formal House Republican priorities presented at the Indiana Chamber of commerce's annual legislative preview Monday. But the issue is still likely to dominate much of the 2014 session.

Republican Senate President Pro Tem David Long says he needs to consult with other Senate Republicans before making a decision about the ban.

House Democratic Leader Scott Pelath (PEE'-lath) and Senate Democratic Leader Tim Lanane (LAN'-in) both suggested that the majority Republicans take the issue off the table for 2014.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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