Sen. Rand Paul Slams Ky. Judge's Gay Marriage Ruling

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Following Tuesday's announcement that Kentucky's attorney general would not appeal a federal judge's ruling that the state must recognize legal same-sex marriages from other states and countries, Republican Sen. Rand Paul released a statement, condemning the ruling calling it "illegitimate," reports.

"I believe in the historic and religious definition of marriage," Paul said. "I also believe this power belongs to the states and the people, not the federal government. It is illegitimate for the federal courts to intrude here."

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway announced Tuesday that he would not appeal U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II's ruling that Kentucky must recognize legal same-sex marriage performed outside the state.

Despite Conway's move, Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, a Democrat, said he will hire outside lawyers to appeal the judge's ruling.

Conway gave a very emotional speech when he announced he wouldn't appeal the judge's decision, choking up and pausing.

"I would be defending discrimination. That I will not do," he said.

Unsurprisingly, Brian Brown, the head of the anti-gay marriage National Organization for Marriage, lauded Beshear's announcement that he will appeal the case regardless of Conway's stance.

"We applaud Governor Steve Beshear's commitment to the rule of law and the people's definition of marriage," Brown wrote in NOM's blog. "He is doing what every elected official, on every level of government across the country should do, defend the laws of the land. It is absurd that Kentucky's Attorney General Jack Conway is not doing what he swore to do upon taking office - defending the laws and constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the judgment of the Kentucky's citizens who voted overwhelmingly on this issue. We hope that voters hold him to account for abandoning his sworn duty."

Watch Conway's emotional announcement below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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