'Heathen' Hilary Clinton Condemned for Pussy Riot Tweet


Christian news outlet Life Site News is decrying former Secretary of State and presumed 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton for her recent photo-op with members of the Russian punk rock protest band Pussy Riot at the Women in the World Summit in New York last Friday.

In an article published by Life Site News Wednesday, Kirsten Andersen alluded to Clinton's support of members of the formerly imprisoned band as potentially damaging to US and Russian relations, should the former First Lady run for and win the White House.

"The resulting chill between the U.S. and Russia may prove difficult to thaw for Clinton, should she win the presidency." Andersen�states. "While she once famously promised as Secretary of State to "reset" relations between the two world powers, last month she admitted her commitment to promoting homosexual acceptance abroad made things 'tough internationally.'�"

Of Pussy Riot's recent appearance speaking at the Fifth Annual Women in the World Summit, Andersen said: "Now, the two women are making the rounds in the West, receiving accolades from U.S. and European leaders who make no secret of their admiration for the duo's controversial actions."

"Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia."

Clinton said in a tweet featuring a photo of herself taken Friday with two members of the controversial Russian band turned activists.

The tweet quickly went viral and according to USA Today, as of Monday it was retweeted more than 9,200 times and favorited more than 10,900 times.

Clinton is not the first dignitary to use Twitter to show her support of Pussy Riot. In February, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Powers called the activists "brave troublemakers" in a tweeted picture of herself with the band members.

According to Life Site News, The U.N.'s Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin mocked Powers, saying,� "I would expect her to invite them to perform at the National Cathedral in Washington.� Maybe they could arrange a world tour for them, you know. St Peter's Cathedral in Rome, then maybe in Mecca in Saudi Arabia, ending up with a gala concert at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem."

To which Powers replied that she'd be "honored" to join ""a group of girls who speak up and stand for human rights."

Not surprisingly, the "intelligentsia" of Life Site News readers were quick to condemn Clinton's support with reader comments that have included:

"Further proof that all is not well behind the Clinton doors. Killary is one sick woman. I suspect we will see more outrageous publicity for her towards getting her uplifted for President by the Powers that control (U.N., George Soros, the pop-controllers Gates, etc.). She has to show more anti God behavior as time goes on."

"This is just one more example of how Western leaders do not represent Western people. Not only do they fail to represent us, but they actively oppose us and mock everything that matters. ??The vast majority of ordinary people support the Russian people's efforts to protect their churches and clergy from assault and defilement, support their efforts to protect their children from homosexual propaganda, and applaud their efforts to reinvigorate the nuclear family by turning away from abortion, divorce, contraception, and unproductive, unwholesome sexual behaviors.?? What mother in her right mind would even use the word, "pussy", much less cheer on those who mock the virtues of good women and have no self-respect?"

"If Clinton gets elected than the solution is a complete government overthrow."

"Hillary! WHAT A HEATHEN! May God have mercy on your soul."


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