Did Madonna Use 'Gay' Offensively?

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A new report by the British newspaper the Independent points out Madonna has come under fire after playing a word association game on BuzzFeed this week, where the Queen of Pop may have used the word "gay" offensively.

BuzzFeed asked the pop star to give her opinion on "10 completely random things," including Crocs, Instagram, Fannypacks, guacamole and Pussy Riot.

But when presented with the word "kale," Madonna wrote "gay" and some believe she used the word negatively to describe the leafy green. She also used "gay" when asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin, who signed the controversial "homosexual propaganda" bill into law last year.

As the Independent reports, a number of BuzzFeed readers took issue with the Material Girls' response.

"I am surprised she is using the word 'gay' as an insult. I thought she was more sensitive than that," one user commented.

"Madonna is as culturally sensitive as a bull in a china shop. Really. She puts her foot in her mouth constantly," another wrote.

"I love how everyone is freaking out about how Madonna hates Guacamole but no one seems to care she used 'gay' as a derogatory statement not once but TWICE," another said.

Some readers also took issue with Madonna's description to Hillary Clinton, who called the possible presidential candidate "angry."

Despite, the negative comments, a number of readers said they thought the feature was funny - though, many were pretty upset Madonna does not like guacamole.

When describing Russian punk band, Pussy Riot, the singer wrote, "Inspiring, infuriating, beautiful." She also described tennis as "rich people sport," and Jell-O shots as "white trash sport."

You can check out the full article here.

Madonna was criticized earlier this year for using the N-word in an Instagram caption for a photo of her son Rocco.

"I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N-word on Instagram," she said. "It was not meant as a racial slur ... I am not a racist."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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