Update: HGTV Cancels Show Starring Anti-Gay Twin Brothers

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Home & Garden TV officials announced Wednesday that they are pulling the plug on an upcoming reality show after it was revealed at least one of the twin brothers set to star in the program is an anti-gay activist.

David and Jason Benham were set to appear on "Flip it Forward," where they would "leverage their good-natured sibling rivalry to help families find a fixer-upper and transform it into the dream home they never thought they could afford" a press release reads.

But HGTV have canceled the program soon after Right Wing Watch reported on David Beham's anti-gay activities, including leading a prayer rally outside the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., in 2012 and telling conservative radio host Janet Mefferd he needed to stop "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking that nation," and "Demonic ideologies take our universities and our public school systems."

"HGTV has decided not to move forward with the Benham Brothers' series," HGTV officials wrote on Twitterk and Facebook Wednesday.

Hours before the tweet, HGTV took to social media and wrote: "HGTV is currently in process of reviewing all information about the Benhams and we will provide an update as soon as possible."

As of this writing, the newest update has received a mixed response from fans.

"I think good people need to stand up and speak out against the hateful words people speak. Thank you, hgtv," one Facebook user wrote.

"Sorry to hear that. I won't be watching anymore," another wrote. "They have a right to their opinion...they have a right to exercise their faith. They weren't hitting people over the head with it on the show. I'm tired of everyone being tolerant of everyone else's lifestyle or beliefs but not Christians. You've just proven to me that your network is not 'Christian friendly.' I'm not going to waste my time on it anymore."

"Oh the hypocrisy! We promote tolerance and equality, unless you don't agree with what we think, then you have no value and should be cast out for daring to not follow like sheep," a Facebook user commented. "I hope some other network picks these guys up. They should not be faulted for their beliefs and wanting live their lives religiously. So disgusted HGTV! Ditching your overpriced products and not wasting time with your repetitive shows. Tolerance is a 2-way street!"

"Amazing how the same people who cry for equality, really don't want it if it's someone who disagrees with them. Shame on you HGTV...Your shows are practically all reruns anyway. I don't even waste my time anymore!" another said.

"You people are a trip. Being a Christian doesn't equate to being a bigot. Sorry, you can't play that card," someone replied.

There was a more positive response on Twitter, however, where a number of users lauded HGTV's decision to cancel the show. Many thanked the network while others called the move a good decision.

The Benham brothers have yet commented on the update.

You can read more about David Benham's anti-gay/ultra-conservative past here.

H/T JoeMyGod

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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