Ultra-Conservative Twins Might Get New Show

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

The Benham twins' reality show was canned by Home & Garden TV officials this week, but after Right Wing Watch revealed David Benham's anti-gay, anti-Muslim and anti-abortion views, David and Jason Benham stopped by Fox News" "The="" O'Reilly="" Factor"="" Friday="" and="" said="" "a="" couple"="" of="" networks="" are="" pursing="" them.="" The="" twins="" added="" they="" are="" also="" talking="" with="" Faith="" Driven="" Consumer,="" an="" advocacy="" group="" known="" for="" a="" controversial="" poll="" about="" "Noah,"="" and="" for="" creating="" a="" petition="" defending="" "Duck="" Dynasty"="" star="" Phil="" Robertson="" who="" made="" anti-gay="" remarks="" earlier="" this="" year.="" The="" petition="" got="" 2500,000="" signatures.=""
The group also made http://flipthisdecision.com/|a petition for the Benham
brothers, which as of this writing has nearly 13,000 signatures.

"We are brokering a possible deal between them and their show and an alternative network to HGTV," Faith Driven Consumer founder Chris Stone, said. "Whether it's HGTV or the network we're talking about, we want to see them on TV."

Stone, however, declined to say which networks are talking to the twins.

The Benham brothers told "The O'Reilly Factor" host Bill O'Reilly that their HGTV pulled the plug on their show, "Flip it Forward" because of their conservative views on same-sex marriage and abortion. They also said they feel HGTV was "bullied" into canceling the program.

"We're not victims. We're not crying," David Benham said. "Thumbs up the HGTV."

The twins made similar comments on CNN Thursday, hours after HGTV canceled their reality show.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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