Gay Couple Sues Mich. for Recognition of Marriage Performed in NY

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Two men in the Grand Rapids area are suing to try to force Michigan to recognize their same-sex marriage performed in New York state.

Bruce Morgan and Brian Merucci were married in December. They were recently turned down by the Kent County clerk's office when they presented their New York certificate and applied to change the deed on their home.

They also want their marriage recognized so they can make medical decisions for each other. Morgan has brain cancer.

They filed a lawsuit Wednesday in Grand Rapids federal court. Gov. Rick Snyder's office says it hasn't seen it yet.

A judge threw out Michigan's ban on gay marriage in March, but the decision is being appealed. In the meantime, the state won't recognize same-sex marriages that were performed in four counties.

by Bobby McGuire

This story is part of our special report: "Gay Marriage". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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