Advocates Giving Gay Marriage Petition to Utah Gov.

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

SALT LAKE CITY - Same-sex marriage advocates plan to deliver a petition with thousands of signatures to the Utah governor's mansion in Salt Lake City on Wednesday to push for recognition of gay couples.

A group called Utah Unites For Marriage says the petition is directed at Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and Attorney General Sean Reyes, both Republicans.

The group is asking Utah officials to abandon a legal fight defending the state's same-sex marriage ban.

A federal appeals court in June ruled the ban is unconstitutional.

State officials say have said they intend to appeal the ruling but have not yet done so.

Herbert will be not in town to receive the petitions Wednesday.

His official schedule shows he will be traveling to Tennessee for a meeting of the National Governors Association.

by Bobby McGuire

This story is part of our special report: "Gay Marriage". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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