Man Mortgages His Home To Pay For Bigger Penis


Sometimes it's the little things in life that get you down.

An Australian man with a "micro penis" mortgaged his home to come up with the $18,000 to $50,000 it will cost for surgeries to make his member more memorable, Australian reports.

The 33-year-old man who is named "Mike" in the report, previously underwent unsuccessful penis extension surgery in 2013 to the tune of $45,000. According to Death and Taxes, Sydney-based reconstructive surgeon Dr. Peter Laniewski said the procedure involved stretching of the ligament, following by months of "scar stretching." Laniewski says that this will only affect "the flaccid size."

Sadly, "the ligament regrafted itself onto the dermal fat graft and I got some retraction," Mike told 9 Stories.

Now Mike is ready for round two, which will cost $18,000 to fix the retraction. He's even considering more intense surgery which will involve a general anesthetic and cost around $50,000.

To pay for this, Mike has mortgaged his home, but to him it's worth the pain and poverty.

'My penis is basically infant sized. Pre-surgery, I was two to three centimetres flaccid and I'm now four centimetres. My erection is probably around seven centimetres,' he told Ninemsn.

His sex life has been restricted, only having had intercourse twice and leaving him unable to have relationships with women because of an inability to speak to them.

He lost his virginity at 24 years old with a girlfriend of three months.

"It has prevented me from doing or experiencing a lot of things," he said.

It was another six years before he had sex again.

In Mike's native Australia, the average penis size is around 5.8 inches flaccid and 6.3 inches long while erect.


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