Winter Beware: How to Avoid Dry Skin


With the lower temperatures and drier air comes dry, chapped skin. Biting winds, steamy showers, dipping temps, and indoor heat are just a few seasonal hazards that can cause skin to go haywire. Not only is dealing with dry skin uncomfortable, but it can also cause breakouts.

"Dehydrated skin cells turn over more slowly, causing a buildup of dead skin, which can clog pores and lead to acne flare ups." says New York City Dermatologist Eric Schweiger, MD.

For the sake of your skin, Dr. Schweiger offers these shortcuts to a smooth, soft and clear complexion:

  • Bring Back the Humidity - Regular use of a humidifier will add necessary moisture back into the air and into your skin.

  • Wash Only Once - This may come as a shock, but during the fall and winter, you get a free pass to wash your face only once a day: at night time. In the morning, just rinse your face with a splash of cold water and a gentle cleanser that contains tea tree oil to reduce redness.

  • Shut the Front Door - Close the door when you're taking a bath or shower. You'll trap the steam in the bathroom and your skin can soak it in.

  • Moisturize Wet Skin - The best way to lock in moisture is by applying your creams and moisturizers onto damp skin. This way you'll trap all those water molecules onto the skin. Wait no longer than three minutes to apply your moisturizer post-shower.

  • Be Ingredient Savvy - Start reading skincare ingredients. Rather than just buying a lotion or cream because it says "fights dry skin" or some other marketing language, make sure it has ceramides, glycerin, shea butter or stearic acid, lactic acid, dimethicone, urea or mineral oil, all of which are excellent skin hydrators.

    by EDGE

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