5 Tips for Women Traveling During the Holidays


Traveling can frazzle your brain. Between trying to remember if you locked up the house or put your ID back into your wallet, thinking about personal safety in airport parking lots is the last thing on most women's minds. However, poorly lit parking garages, arms full of luggage, confusing parking signs, forgetting where you parked and keys buried in the bottom of an overflowing purse can make women easy targets for predators.

To help women stay safe while traveling, Krav Maga Worldwide, an industry leader in self-defense and fitness, offers five personal safety tips to keep in mind when at the airport, train station or in an unfamiliar city.

1. Stay aware of your surroundings by scanning your environment.
No matter how busy you are, do not allow your mind to wander. It might seem important in the moment to be making a to-do list in your head, but if you are worrying about what you need to do when you get home you might not notice someone following you to your vehicle, reading your email over your shoulder or sliding a hand into your purse.

2.Park in well lit areas.
If you are renting a car while traveling, when you park avoid spots next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows. You want to keep your car and yourself as visible to as many people as possible and as such you should also avoid parking next to tall shrubs or plants that could block views of your vehicle.

3. Don't wear your purse so that the strap crosses your body.
Wearing a purse strap across your body makes you more connected to your bag. If someone tries to steal your purse, you will be pulled with the strap. You can become unbalanced and put into a vulnerable position or you could end up in a physical altercation with the assailant. If your purse is draped on one shoulder you can easily let go of it.

4. Dress casually and comfortably.
During transit is not the time to make a fashion statement. It is better to leave the high heels and flashy jewelry pieces at home or in your luggage until you arrive at your destination. Jeans and sneakers will help you blend in and if needed, enable you to make a quick getaway.

5. Always keep one arm and hand free of luggage and other gear.
Many people travel with multiple bags, purses, lap top cases and other paraphernalia. But if your arms and hands are tied up with bags, then you have no means of defending yourself from an attacker. Luggage that can stack together securely and be pulled by one handle is a safer choice than wearing and carrying numerous bags on your person.

Krav Maga Worldwide trains and certifies instructors and licenses over 150 authorized Krav Maga Worldwide training centers in the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, South America, and Europe, as well as over 800 law enforcement agencies and military units. Krav Maga Worldwide continues to develop, promote and implement self-defense and fitness programs.


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