Log Cabin Republicans Head Blasts Bush as Clinton Copy Cat


What do presumptive 2016 presidential frontrunners Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton have in common? According to Log Cabin Republicans head Gregory T. Angelo, more than you think.

In a piece published by the Huffington Post regarding former Florida governor and presumptive 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush's position on same-sex marriage as an issue for the states, Gregory T. Angelo, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, gave the younger Bush sibling a one-two punch by calling his position "disappointing" and likening him to his presumptive Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton.

"It's disappointing to see that Jeb Bush has the same opinion of marriage equality as the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton," Angelo told HuffPo. "Jeb had a chance to differentiate himself from her, and at the very least say that, in Florida, marriage equality is settled law and there are more pressing issues demanding attention. As it stands, Jeb tacks the same line as Hillary: that marriage is something that should be left to the states."

While both presidential hopefuls have said in interviews that they believe that the case of same-sex marriage should be left to the states, Time notes that Clinton has gone on the record to support marriage equality, and Bush endorsed a Republican backed federal constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between a man and a woman when the measure was being pushed by his brother, former President George W. Bush.

According to a recent CNN poll on presumptive 2016 presidential nominees, Bush takes nearly one-quarter -�23% -�of Republicans surveyed, putting him 10 points ahead of his closest competitor, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who tallied 13%.


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