Photo Released of 'Bowel Movement Bandit' Believed Responsible For Serial Pooping


The hunt is on in Akron, Ohio for a man known only as the "Bowel Movement Bandit" who is believed to be responsible for publicly defecating on at least 19 parked cars in the city's Castle Home neighborhood. NBC news reports.

A break in the case came this week when the alleged Akron Pooper was photographed with his pants down about to add some brown to a 2004 red Dodge Neon. The crapping culprit is believed to be a white male in his mid 40's.

According to, the photographer preferred to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.

"He messed with the wrong guy," the man said during an interview in his driveway on Wednesday.

With reported incidents going back to 2012, the prolific pooper has left his mark on everything in this quiet neighborhood from parked cars to children's toys. reports that one neighborhood woman claims that her car has been targeted by the serial pooper three times. Another neighbor said she had to throw away two outdoor children's toys that the bandit allegedly unloaded on. There are even reports of his illegal public dumping on park slides.

Police spokesman Lt. Rick Edwards says that cars remain the man's favorite targets, on the hood, door handles and even the driver's seat.

That's some crazy shit.


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