Santorum 'Sickened' by Josh Duggar's Behavior


What a difference a snub followed by a molestation scandal can make.

During his failed bid for the GOP nomination for president in 2012, candidate Rick Santorum's endorsement from the Duggar Family of the hit TLC reality show "19 Kids and Counting" was instrumental in mobilizing conservative Christian voters. So much so that Mother Jones called Santorum's participation in his own Park City, Iowa event a "side-show" in comparison to the endorsing Duggars who were the voter's main attraction.

Fast forward to 2015 when the Duggar family is at its lowest due to the seemingly endless wake of bad press following news of eldest son's Josh's child molesting past. Might TV's mega-family get a little pass from Santorum in light of their past support of the Senator?


Following the announcement kicking off his 2012 bid for the GOP nomination this week, Santorum appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America" where his words for the Duggars were anything but supportive.

"I'm sickened by it," Santorum told host George Stephanopolis when asked about his feelings about his former celebrity supporters' recent troubles. "I'm just sickened by it. I pray for those girls, in particular. To have gone through that is just hard to think about."

Perhaps Santorum's words might have been different had the Duggars not snubbed him for his rival for the GOP nomination Mike Huckabee, who received their once coveted Christian endorsement this election cycle.

In contrast, last week candidate Huckabee stood by the Duggars in a Facebook post where he called the media "blood-thirsty."

"No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story," Huckabee wrote. "Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things."

Take a trip down memory lane to 2012 when everybody got along.


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