Josh Duggar Leaves DC Home with Help From Kate Gosselin's Bodyguard


What do Josh Duggar and Kate Gosselin have in common besides both having worked for TLC? Get your minds out of the gutter if you think Kate touched any of her kids inappropriately. According to ET Online, they share the same bodyguard.

Following unimaginably bad press that caused TLC to pull "19 Kids and Counting" from their schedule, and prompted his resignation as executive director from the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, Josh and Anna Duggar are packing up their three kids and leaving their home in a Washington, D.C. suburb. And who was on hand to keep the press away when the moving trucks were at the Duggar's Oxon Hill, Md. home? None other than Steve Nelid - former bodyguard to fellow mega-family celeb, Kate Gosselin.

According to US Magazine, Nelid started working with Kate following her publicized split with ex-hubby and former "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" co-star Jon Gosselin. He even enjoyed minor celebrity when he was seen on camera escorting Kate while during her failed attempt to win TV's "The Apprentice."

According to reports, the Josh Duggars will be relocating to Arkansas near his famous family's home, where presumably, there are still locks on the bedroom doors.


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