Santorum Says Marriage Equality Violates the First Amendment


With a joke of a campaign that brought only five voters to an event in Iowa this week, 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum upped the comedy ante Wednesday when he said that if elected, he wouldn't enforce a Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality because, in his eyes, same-sex marriage is a violation of the First Amendment, Right Wing Watch reports.

Santorum's comments came during Glenn Beck's radio program where he was a call-in guest. His logic-challenged argument is below:

"This is tantamount to government establishing religion," Santorum told Beck. "When the United States government comes in and says this is what you are going to believe, this is how you're going to practice your faith, this is a new religion.

"This violates, in my opinion, the Establishment Clause in the Constitution that says that Congress shall make no law with respect to an establishment of religion," he continued. "If the government goes around and tells churches what they have to believe in and what their doctrine is, that is something that is a violation of the First Amendment."

According to a Huffington Post poll that tracks 97 separate polls from 17 pollsters, Rick Santorum has 1.5% of the vote trailing fellow nominees, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Micke Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry and Carly Fiorina. He is also trailing "Bridgegate" beleaguered New Jersey Gov Chris Christie who has yet to announce his candidacy.


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