Bristol v. Miley: Celibacy Queen Calls Bi Pop Star a Hypocrite

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Don't even try to ask her about her recent break-up with fianc� Dakota Meyer, but bring up Miley Cyrus, and Bristol Palin won't shut up.

Miley Cyrus' recent interview with Paper Magazine that featured nude photos and her detailed coming out to her mother as bisexual when she was a teen, has inspired the ire of former First Daughter of Alaska, Bristol Palin, who is calling out the "Party in the USA" singer for being intolerant of her parents' conservative religious beliefs.

In a recent blog post published on Patheos, Palin, or her ghostwriter (it's tough to keep the two straight), blasted the former Hannah Montana, who recently launched a charity supporting LGBT youth, for criticizing evangelical lawmakers and people who "take the Bible literally."

"We've outgrown that fairy tale, like we've outgrown f--king Santa and the tooth fairy," the 22-year-old performer told Paper. But it was her comment that referred to her parents Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus as "Conservative a-- motherf--ckers." That stuck in Palin's craw.

"She wants everyone else to let her be 'free to be Miley,' but seems unwilling to offer the same respect to her parents and those who wish to live out their Christian faith."

The New York Daily News notes that although the Paper article said that the comments about Cyrus' parents were said "lovingly," the failed "Dancing with the Stars" contestant isn't buying her reverence.

"Oh, Miley," Bristol writes. "Thanks for giving us the best example of what 'tolerance' looks like in Hollywood: it looks a lot like contempt."

Perhaps in an effort to draw attention away from her recent jilting at the altar of former fianc� and Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, Palin's blog has gone into overdrive lately, championing religious rightwing views of the culture wars.

A recent blogpost by Palin supported Bob Costas for his transphobic comments made against Caitlyn Jenner. Well, at least Bob Costas has the guts to call out ESPN giving Caitlyn Jenner the "courage award," she (ghost) wrote.

Prior to that, she aped her mother's comments against Lena Dunham, calling the "Girls" star no better than admitted child molester and former hate group mouthpiece Josh Duggar.

"I can't believe how crazy the media is going over the Duggar family compared to the big fat yawn they gave Lena Dunham when she wrote in her book that she sexually experimented with her sister," she wrote.

by Bobby McGuire

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