In Touch Reports Duggar to be Sued by Non-Family Molestation Victim


Horrible as it sounds, Josh Duggar probably should have stuck to just molesting members of his own family.

Sources have told In Touch Magazine that the only non-family member alleged to have been molested by Josh Duggar is preparing to file a civil suit against the former hate group executive director.

According to In Touch, such a lawsuit could open a whole can of worms for parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar as they would be forced to give depositions and testify in court about the molestations that occurred when their eldest son was a teen. To further make matters worse for the reality show couple, if required to testify, they wouldn't be able to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights to remain silent as the criminal statute of limitations has long expired.

Salon notes that if the Duggars are forced to answer questions about when they knew about their son's behavior and what measures they took to protect their own children and their friends from him, it could mean the end of "19 Kids and Counting."

News of the lawsuit comes five weeks after In Touch broke the story that Duggar had molested five girls -- four of them his siblings when he was a teen.

The scandal prompted Duggar's resignation from the SPLC designated hate group Family Research Council. The reality show "19 Kids and Counting" has been pulled from TLC's schedule. Its future remains in the air.


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