One Million Moms Call Trans Teen Jazz Jennings Someone's 'Mistake'


One Million Moms (OMM), the media watchdog arm of the anti-gay hate group American Family Association reached a new low today when they referred to Jazz Jennings, the transgender teen who is the star of the TLC reality series "I Am Jazz," as someone's "mistake."

On Wednesday, OMM sent an email to their followers titled "God doesn't make mistakes (but humans do)." The email contains their latest action alert aimed at getting their 75,000 followers to put pressure on Revlon by having them pull ads for Mitchum deodorant from the reality series.

In their rant, they write:

The show is attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle and make it appear OK while using a young cast member to lure a young audience. This docu-series is about the real life of a young person and that will attract young viewers to watch.

A friend also happens to have a father who is transgender and transforming into a woman.

Obviously, TLC is attempting to desensitize America's youth by airing programs starring teens. This alone will entice kids to watch.

"I Am Jazz," follows the life of Jennings, a 14-year-old transgender girl who at the age of five was one of the youngest persons ever diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Critic Brian Lowry of Variety praised "I Am Jazz," calling it a "sensitively constructed series (in an admirable departure for the attention-seeking network)... Simply told and heartfelt, the show should add a welcome dimension to the education process, capturing the challenges associated with sexual identity at such a vulnerable age."

James Poniewozik, in his review for Time magazine, stated that the reality show airing on the same network that recently pulled "19 Kids and Counting" off the air feels like a "change of an era." Poniewozik writes, "'I Am Jazz' is an engaging story of a teen girl who has transitioned. But it is also the story of everyone else, transitioning."


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