New Orleans Restaurants: 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina


This is the first in the series of videos showcasing the improved aspects of New Orleans and how far the city has come in the past ten years since Hurricane Katrina.

All the old-guard, bastions of fine-dining that made New Orleans a renowned food destination are still here and as good as you remember them being - Antoine's (175 years old this year), Arnaud's, Galatoire's, Broussard's, Commander's Palace and Pascal's Manale... to name a few.

Local chefs continue to collect James Beard nominations and awards each year, and now the city has 600 more restaurants than it did in 2005. The chefs and restaurant scene are evolving to extend beyond traditional genres of cuisine that most are accustomed to associating with New Orleans. New restaurants are also immersing that draw from the city's melting pot mentality, including Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Russian, Israeli, and more.


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