Pediatricians Look Back to the Bad Old Days in Natl. Immunization Month


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is recognizing National Immunization Awareness Month this August with a series, "Medicine Before Vaccines," written by senior pediatricians reminding parents what pediatric medicine was like before immunizations were available to protect against diseases like chickenpox, measles, meningitis and human papillomavirus.

"Vaccines are one of the most important measures families can take to protect their children from deadly diseases that not long ago caused suffering for thousands of U.S. children. In this first-person article series, some of the Academy's most-distinguished senior members remind parents that vaccines are safe and save many lives," said Sandra M. Hassink, MD, FAAP, AAP President. "Immunizations are one of the most effective tools we have in medicine. National Immunization Awareness Month is a good reminder of how important it is for children to receive all their recommended vaccines."

Rebecca Perkins MD, MSc, of Boston is one of a number of pediatricians speaking out this month in favor of vaccinations for children in a series on, "Medicine Before Vaccines," where he wrote, "In the United States, at least 8,000 men and women will die from an HPV-related cancer this year -- a mortality burden similar to measles in the pre-vaccine era. As a gynecologist, I see HPV vaccination as an incredible advance, and a way to vastly improve the lives of women and men by protecting them in adolescence."

Doctors like Kathleen Braico, MD, FAAP are sharing stories like the time she saw kids die of measles, encephalitis, and pneumonia from a local Amish community. She said it was one of the hardest nights she had as a pediatrician, sitting next to a bed of a one-year-old Amish child, working for hours administering a medication to reduce swelling of the brain, but seeing the child pass away at the end.

"I vividly remember how sick the children [suffering with measles] were, and I also remember the worried expressions that those parents had. They felt worried and helpless, and they had a right to feel worried, because some of these children died. I can tell you that the doctors were just as worried as the parents, because we could not do much. We had no tools to fight or prevent the disease," said Olson Huff, MD FAAP.

Older physicians do not remember a time when parents questioned that immunization would protect their children from potentially deadly diseases

"They were correct, because vaccines are good for children," said Harvey S. Kaplan, MD, FAAP.

"Children suffered the consequences of HIB. About 20 percent died and another 20 percent were left with permanent damage, including severe seizure disorders, hearing loss, learning disabilities and mental retardation," added Lance Chilton, MD, FAAP. "This may seem incredible today due to the success of immunizations, but it was a sad reality in the early years of my service as a pediatrician. ... The vaccine is truly a blessing!"

The AAP has also produced an infographic providing impressive statistics and answering important questions about immunizations for parents.

The statistics include:

� Out of 1,000 U.S. children who will catch the measles, one to three of them will die.
� The average number of annual cases of measles in the 20th century in the United States was over a half million. In 2010, thanks to successful vaccines, there were only 63 cases.
� 38 percent of children younger than 5 years who had measles required hospitalization.
� 85 percent of babies born to mothers who had rubella in the first trimester will have birth defects.
� More than 95 percent of people who receive measles, mumps and rubella vaccine become immune to all three diseases.

The AAP publishes Recommended Immunization Schedules to help parents discuss vaccines with their pediatricians. Visit for comprehensive information on National Immunization Awareness Month with links to resources and information.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 64,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

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