Starbucks Has Christian Right Seeing Red Over Holiday Cups


Every holiday season, caffeine giant Starbucks turns their coffee cups red with some holiday iconography. Given their logo is green, you'd assume that the combination of colors would just scream Christmas. But according some Christian groups, it's not Christmas-y enough.

"Do you realize that Starbucks wanted to take Christ and Christmas off of their brand-new cups?" asked Arizona-based evangelist Joshua Feuerstein. "That's why they're just plain red."

Across the Atlantic the religious right in England are in a similar uproar over the lack of Jesus in their java.

"The Starbucks coffee cup change smells more of political correctness than a consumer-led change," British conservative MP David Burrowes told right-wing website Breitbart London.

"The Red Cups (do I need a trademark symbol after that?) are now an anti-Christmas symbol, with Starbucks declaring their formerly Christmassy cups to be 'holiday beverages' and shedding any sign of Christmas from them," writes Raheem Kassam on Breitbart.

A Starbucks rep told USA Today, that unlike past years where the cups were adorned with vintage ornaments or hand-drawn reindeer, this season's solid red cup represents a blank canvas for customers to put their own doodles.

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