Could 'Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas' Get a Second Life as a Drinking Game?


Maybe only liquor can save "Saving Christmas."

It's been almost a year since "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" debuted to universal pans. Making not only numerous "Top Ten Worst" lists for 2014, the film earned the distinction of being IMDb's lowest rated movie of all time.

But could this flop of all holiday flops join the ranks of "Showgirls," "Mommie Dearest" and other screen fiascos to become a campy cult favorite? A recent post on cinephile website suggests that an interactive viewing of the movie may just earn it that distinction.

Writing for JoBlo's Awfully Good column that reviews, rates and ranks films that are "so bad that they're good," contributor Jason Adams suggests getting a bottle and viewing the film as a drinking game.

The rules are simple. Watch "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" and take a drink or shot every time:

� Kirk Cameron looks smug
� Kirk Cameron mentions hot chocolate
� Kirk Cameron talks about baby murder
� Kirk Cameron calls someone "bro"
� The movie is racist�

Take a double shot at the mention of:

� Elf worship.

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