GMHC Requests Responses From All Presidential Candidates on Plans to End AIDS


Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) - the world's first and leading HIV and AIDS service organization - announced today it sent a survey to all 18 of the 2016 presidential candidates, requesting that each one respond to a list of questions related to key drivers of HIV and AIDS, and to hear their policies on ending the epidemic. The survey will allow the candidates to communicate his or her position on HIV and AIDS to the public.

Questions were drafted based on the goals and strategies of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States: Update 2020 (NHAS) and New York State's historic Blueprint to End the AIDS Epidemic. Additional research that informed the questions includes the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease's Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment study, the World Health Organization's Early Release Guidelines, the development of PrEP and nPEP; and GMHC's 33 years of experience on the front lines.

"It is critical for every candidate running to be President of the United States of America to have a strategy for ending the HIV and AIDS epidemic," said GMHC CEO Kelsey Louie. "With over 50,000 new HIV infections in America each year, it is important that the public understand each candidate's plan to address this health crisis. We look forward to publicizing responses from all presidential candidates, conveying the urgency and importance of a national movement to end the epidemic, and continuing our long-standing role in educating the public about HIV and AIDS."

The survey will not serve as an endorsement for any particular candidate. Candidates were asked to respond by January 18, 2016. GMHC will publish the candidates' responses, as well as candidates that do not respond, on or near January 25, 2016.


Candidates that will receive the survey:

Jeb Bush (R)
Ben Carson (R)
Chris Christie (R)
Hillary Clinton (D)
Ted Cruz (R)
Carly Fiorina (R)
Jim Gilmore (R)
Lindsey Graham (R)
Mike Huckabee (R)
John Kasich (R)
Martin O'Malley (D)
George Pataki (R)
Rand Paul (R)
Marco Rubio (R)
Bernie Sanders (D)
Rick Santorum (R)
Jill Stein (third party)
Donald Trump (R)

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