Non-Committal Gay Republican Group Praises Trump Win in NH


In a move inconsistent with their current passive stance on The Equality Act, gay conservative group Log Cabin Republicans praised New Hampshire voters for delivering GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump with his first primary victory. The group made note of the billionaire candidate's past history of supporting non-discrimination legislation.

"Republicans in the Granite State chose a candidate�opposed to discrimination based on sexual orientation," wrote LCR in a statement released on Tuesday.

MSNBC points out that as far back as 2000, Trump was advocating the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation -- something the currently-pending Equality Act would aim to do.

In July 2015, following the introduction of The Equality Act, Log Cabin Republicans released a statement declaring their non-committal status on the pending non-discrimination legislation.

"It is widely known that Log Cabin Republicans has long supported, lobbied, and advocated for�comprehensive LGBT non-discrimination legislation, but we share�hesitations about the Equality Act expressed by a number of�organizations including LGBT advocates�on the left and�other civil rights groups," Log Cabin Republicans National Executive�Director Gregory T. Angelo stated.

In July's statement, Angelo blamed his lack of enthusiasm to embrace a law that would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in 31 states on the fact that his group did not have enough time to review the bill.

"The full text�of the Equality Act was only provided to Log Cabin Republicans late�last night, mere hours prior to the bill's formal introduction. We�will review this bill with our allies in Congress and National Board�of Directors prior to taking any official position," Angelo stated in July.

Last month AP reported that two congressional Republicans up for re-election in blue-state Illinois have signed on as co-sponsors to the Equality Act, becoming the first members of the GOP to publicly support the comprehensive LGBT nondiscrimination bill.

As of this writing, LCR have yet to officially embrace the legislation.

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