Downward Facing Satan? Christian Parents Protest Yoga for Tots


An Atlanta area elementary school yoga program had parents up in arms with concerns that the mind and body exercise regimen violates their Christian beliefs.

The Atlanta Journal reports that school officials at Bullard Elementary in Cobb County held a meeting with parents who were concerned that yoga is being used is propagating Hinduism and Buddhism.

"While we have been practicing de-stressing techniques in many classrooms for years, there have been some recent practices associated with mindfulness that are offensive to some," stated an email from school leaders to parents.

So, what is so offensive?

According to the AJ, the word "namaste" with the accompanying hands on heart gesture will no longer be used according to the email to parents. Also, during classroom teaching breaks, students will not be allowed to color mandalas, which are spiritual symbols in Hinduism and Buddhism. Coloring crosses is presumably OK.

The AJ notes that over the past decade or so, a growing number of school systems across the U.S. and Georgia have started using yoga and other mindfulness practices to help students deal with stress and increase focus on academics in the classroom.

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