Westboro Baptist Church to Protest Indy 500 and Blake Shelton


Who's to blame for raging wild fires, random shootings, the Zika virus and more tragedies? According to the Westboro Baptist Church, it's high-speed motor racing and country music star Blake Shelton.

The Indianapolis 500, a Memorial Day Weekend tradition that is celebrating its centennial this year, boasts an impressive lineup that includes racing stars from around the globe and "The Voice" coach Blake Shelton. Also scheduled to attend the weekend festivities are everyone's least favorite uninvited guests - the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).

"WBC brings Bible truth to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway's visitors and guests, home to the famous Indy 500," writes church officials on the protest schedule page of their website.�"And how appropriate is it for this year's Firestone Legend's concert to feature America's Adultery poster child, Blake Shelton?��These sins are going together like peas and carrots -- idolatry and adultery!

"If this generation would put as much effort into reading the Bible and obeying God as you do the Indy 500 and Blake Shelton, the people in this nation would not be so spiritually blind," WBC continues. "God would not be cursing this nation with dead soldiers, Zika virus, raging wild fires, tornadoes, 'random,' shootings and all other manner of curses.�Obey today.�God requires it.� WBC will preach it.

Although they make it clear that Shelton is half of their protest, the WBC will most likely miss out on blasting Blake in person. Shelton is set to perform at Saturday night's Firestone Legend's concert and their protest doesn't take place until Sunday morning.

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