Cash-Strapped NOM Begs for Money to Put on Hate March


The increasingly irrelevant National Organization for Marriage has some bad news.

With two weeks to go before this year's March for Marriage the anti-LGBT group is crying poor and may not be able to put on their annual hate show after all.

"We're calling on all supporters of marriage, religious liberty and the recognition that biology (not "identity") determines gender to make a special effort to join us at this year's March," writes NOM director Brian Brown in an appeal to followers Thursday.

NOM's March for Marriage is set for Saturday, June 25, from 11:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

"I am writing to you today about an urgent problem," Brown laments. "I've just reviewed the budget for the March and I have to admit I am concerned. We're $25,000 short of being able to cover the costs for security, staging, sound, promotion and all the other elements that are involved in hosting an event like this."

In addition to protesting last year's United States Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, NOM plans to expand their mission this year to anti-transgender fear mongering.

Among the bullet point of their "extremely important event," they hope to focus on "protesting the imposition of a dangerous gender ideology by LGBT extremists and President Obama that risks the privacy and safety of girls and women by allowing men who claim a female 'gender identity' to force their way into bathrooms, showers, changing areas and locker rooms."

In 2014, NOM organized a similar march on Washington where, the reported there were over 10,000 participants. This report was in contrast to a report by the Associated Press which said "the crowd appeared to number between 1,000 and 2,000."

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