Leave the Bike at Home :: Manhunt Rewards Cock-Blocked Bicyclist With Free Uber Rides


Daniel Provencio, the bicyclist who was , got some unexpected perks on Friday from Manhunt.

According to the New York publicity outlet Project Publicity, "Manhunt was so moved by the story of the gay bicyclist on his way to a hook-up, who got tackled yesterday by the NYPD for driving too close to President Obama's motorcade, that they are offering him a free year of Manhunt plus 52 free roundtrip Ubers. That's safe, motorized transportation for one hook-up per week!

"It turns out that Provencio says his hook-up lost interest after he was hours late due to being interrogated by the cops," the release continued. "Manhattan men are huge on punctuality," he told the NY Daily News.

"Manhunt wants him to know that his Ubers are good within NYC's five boroughs so he'll be able to extend his hunt outside of Manhattan where punctuality may not be as large of a concern."

Watch the video of Provencio being tackled:


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