In Wake of Orlando Massacre, Frank Ocean Writes Emotional Note


Rising singer Frank Ocean took to his Tumblr Tuesday to write a personal and moving letter in the wake of the Orlando shooting.

In his post, Ocean works through his feelings regarding religion, mental health pertaining to the LGBT community and even recounting an incident of transphobia that Ocean experienced from his father when he was a kid.

"I read in the paper that my brothers are being thrown from rooftops blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs for violating sharia law," Ocean, who made headlines in 2012 after posting to Tumblr about a past relationship with a man (it should be noted, the "Pyramids" singer has not publicly discussed his sexuality), wrote.

"I was six years old when I heard my dad call our transgender waitress a faggot as he dragged me out a neighborhood diner saying we wouldn't be served because she was dirty," Ocean later added. "That was the last afternoon I saw my father and the first time I heard that word, I think, although it wouldn't shock me if it wasn't. Many hate us and wish we didn't exist."

Ocean's next album is reported called "Boys Don't Cry" and is expected to drop later this year.

Read his full message by clicking here.

[H/T The Fader]

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