Dr. Kelly O's 7 Essentials for Summer Grooming

Winnie McCroy READ TIME: 6 MIN.

Summer is here, but before you dare to bare it all, Dr. Kelly O'Malley-Mattone, MD - known to clients and fans as Dr. Kelly O - shares her non gender-specific grooming tips to make your body presentable from top to bottom.

"Self-grooming isn't vanity, it's about presenting yourself in the best way possible," said Dr. Kelly O. "It tells people what you think about yourself."

Trained at Mount Sinai, Dr. Kelly O now runs the Aesthetic Medical Studio in Great Neck, New York, providing clients with non-surgical cosmetic alternatives to erase years from the face and inches off the body. But even if you don't take advantage of her complimentary consultation, you can learn the secret tips that she gives celebrity clients.

"Take a good look at yourself from head to toe in a full-length mirror, and pick out things you wouldn't like on other people, such as wrinkled clothes, dirty fingernails, or scuffy shoes," she said. "Look at your hair, skin, and posture, the way your clothes fit and whether they are right for the season. If you want others to look, you need to look, because we all want to look good."

Improve Your Posture
Create confidence by using power stances. Get rid of negative thoughts because, "if you're thinking positive thoughts, you will become a positive person."

Your posture projects confidence. "People who are not quite sure of themselves have a dumpy posture. Their shoulders are not back; their belly is hanging out. It says a lot about who you are," said Dr. Kelly O.

For Your Face
Sunblock is the most important thing a person can do. It's not the number that matters; that represents the Sun Protection Factor, which only protects you from those short UVB rays that give you color. Be concerned about long UVA rays, which cut through glass, fog, smog, and tree leaves, causing skin damage.

"Get broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunblock," said Dr. Kelly O. "My favorite products include zinc and titanium - but not like the lifeguards used to use. These are micronized, and don't leave a white paste. Apply it before you leave your house, 365 days a year. Reapply it every 2-3 hours, and don't forget your feet and scalp, especially if you're fair-haired."

Protect your face, neck, d�colletage and hands. In summer, drive with your hands lower on the steering wheel, so they don't soak up UVB rays. She also advises that, "most sunglasses will have UVA protectors in them, which is great, especially for light-eyed people."

Wash your face twice a day, but be very gentle in the summertime with exfoliating. Those on retinal products or Accutane should stay out of the sun.

"Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Your summer one should be lighter than your winter one, but you do need to put it on," she said, sharing her mother's advice to dab Vaseline around your eyes every night, in addition to regular moisturizer.

The Rest of Your Body
Consider dry body brushing. "I use a cactus bristle brush, but you can use a loofah," said Dr. Kelly O. "Do it before you shower, to get rid of excess skin on your body."

Before you step out of the shower, slather your body with a high quality moisturizer or even extra virgin olive oil, and then towel it off to lock moisture in. Use a moisturizer with SPF in it, no matter who you are. "Don't just assume because you have dark skin that you won't get skin cancer," she said. "Bob Marley died of skin cancer."

Use a hat with a five-inch brim to protect from the sun. Tanning isn't the healthiest thing, so use a sunblock like Solar D, which allows your body to get Vitamin D while still protecting your skin.

Keep Your Fingernails Clean
You don't have to get a professional manicure, but you should file your nails, keep them clean, and finish with clear polish. "The length depends on your own style and what your job is, but keep them neat, with the cuticles pushed back and no dirt under your fingernails. If anything screams, 'I don't like myself,' it's dirty nails," she said.

Facial and Body Hair: Keep it Groomed!
Tweeze between your brows in the direction it grows, and shape them. Neither men nor women look good with a unibrow. Woman should consider tweezing those little hairs around the lips and chin. Men should trim nose hairs, and keep beards neat and presentable.

This applies to bikini hair as well. As Dr. Kelly O puts it, "People shouldn't know if you're a natural brunette when you're wearing a bathing suit. Some things should be kept under wraps!" Laser hair removal is best, but do it off-season. Waxing is a great alternative, but watch for ingrown hairs.

by Winnie McCroy , EDGE Editor

Winnie McCroy is the Women on the EDGE Editor, HIV/Health Editor, and Assistant Entertainment Editor for EDGE Media Network, handling all women's news, HIV health stories and theater reviews throughout the U.S. She has contributed to other publications, including The Village Voice, Gay City News, Chelsea Now and The Advocate, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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