Comcast Donates $1.5 Million in Airtime for Equality Forum 2016 PSA Broadcast


PHILADELPHIA, PA - Equality Forum 2016, the nation's annual LGBT civil rights summit scheduled to take place during this year's Democratic National Convention from July 25 - 28, announced today the national launch of a public service announcement.

Comcast Corporation, the lead sponsor of Equality Forum, is donating airtime valued at $1.5 million for the broadcast of a 30-second public service announcement promoting this year's premier LGBT civil rights summit. The PSA is currently airing across Comcast markets nationwide and will continue in rotation until the end of July.

"We take great pride in our support of the LGBT community and of a diverse and inclusive workforce," said David L. Cohen, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer of Comcast Corporation, and Special Adviser to the 2016 Democratic National Convention. "Through the support of events like the Equality Forum, Comcast NBCUniversal continues to invest in creating a business culture where diverse perspectives and ideas help drive innovation."

Malcolm Lazin, Equality Forum's Founder and Executive Director, called Comcast NBCUniversal "a supporter of national and regional LGBT organizations."

Lazin continued, "Equality Forum values Comcast's current and longstanding support. With the backdrop of the Democratic National Convention, Equality Forum 2016 convenes leading experts, scholars and elected officials in forward-leaning discussions about the state and future of the LGBT civil rights movement, including our place at the table."

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