Making Healthy Choices While on Vacation


It's summertime, and many of us are packing our bags to go on a vacation. If you're new to implementing healthy lifestyle choices, it's important to make an effort to stick to your goals even while you're away from home. This can be difficult, but with a little time spent planning ahead, you'll leave your vacation feeling empowered and guilt-free.

Bring Snacks on the Trip

Whether you're in for a long road trip or you're reaching your destination by plane, you should pack a bag with snacks. If you're on the road, driving by fast food restaurants is often too tempting to pass up if you don't have a cooler packed with healthier choices like sandwiches on wheat bread, apple slices, and almonds. Similarly, after waiting around in an airport all day, you're bound to be hungry. Packing your own snacks for the plane saves money and gives you control over how your food is prepared.

Everything in Moderation

Don't get too caught up in thinking about everything you eat while on vacation. Now is your time to enjoy life and let loose, so absolutely allow yourself some splurges every now and then. The problem arises when you completely throw all consideration for what you're eating out the window. It's important to find a healthy balance between enjoying yourself fully but not going overboard with decadent desserts or adult beverages.

Exercise Daily

Chances are, you'll do a lot of walking while on vacation. Try to aim for at least 30 minutes of walking each day. If you find you're not walking as much as you'd like, ask your hotel if they have an exercise room. Just a few minutes on the elliptical or time spent lifting weights can help you stick to your exercise goals and burn calories.

Visit the Grocery Store

If you're looking for a way to save some money while also making healthier choices, going to the grocery store and stocking up on a few key items is a great option. Buying staples like whole wheat bread, hamptoncreek condiments, and fresh veggies for sides will help you save dollars and calories. It can be difficult to find low calorie options and small portions at restaurants, so take the guesswork out of eating by preparing at least one of your meals yourself each day.

Stay Hydrated

It's always important to stay hydrated, but especially so while on vacation during the summer. Try to bring a bottle of water with you at all times, and make sure to have at least a few sips before meals. This helps to keep you feeling full and avoid overeating. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so make sure to take frequent water breaks.

Avoid the Minibar

Hotel minibars are stocked with everything from candy bars to alcoholic beverages. They're also extremely overpriced, but their convenience often makes them hard to pass up when you're hankering for a late night snack. It's usually best to just avoid opening the minibar, because as soon as you remove an item, you'll be charged for it. As mentioned above, try to stock up on a few essentials at the grocery store to help you avoid eating unhealthy choices out of convenience.

Customize Your Orders at Restaurants

Sometimes, it's unavoidable to eat out while on vacation. If you're hoping to make healthy choices while on vacation, spend some time looking at the menu before ordering. If possible, look for options like baked, blackened, or grilled, and substitute starchy sides like mashed potatoes and corn for green veggies or a salad with light dressing. Most restaurants have plenty of customization available, so you can still enjoy a delicious meal without deviating from your goals.


A vacation is the perfect time to slow down and relax. Many people experience anxiety about healthy eating while on vacation, but it's possible to strike a balance between thoroughly enjoying yourself while not straying too far off track. When you're on vacation, make sure to pack snacks to avoid eating fast food, bring a bottle of water with you at all times to stay hydrated, and try to limit yourself from going overboard on treats every single day. It's perfectly normal and acceptable to treat yourself while on vacation, but you can do so in moderation to return home feeling empowered and in control. Remember, the most important part of a vacation is having fun, so even if you do have a few days of indulgence, don't hold onto negative feelings.

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