American Anti-LGBT Group Liberty Counsel Exports Hate to Romania


After failing to defeat marriage equality in the United States, the anti-LGBT group Liberty Counsel has apparently taken to exporting their hate to Eastern Europe.

Following Wednesday's decision by the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) approving a referendum that would add a ban on same-sex marriage to the nation's constitution, the anti-LGBT hate group Liberty Counsel took a victory lap and lauded themselves for their part in swaying the ruling.

According to a statement released by Liberty Counsel, the conservative Christian group submitted a "major brief" to the Romanian Court in support of the referendum that pointed out "the intrinsic and common-sense benefits of natural marriage" and discussed "the deleterious effects of same-sex marriage in the handful of nations that have tried out this social experiment."

"This is a great victory for marriage, democracy and the rule of law," said Horatio "Harry" Mihet, Chief Litigation Counsel at Liberty Counsel and a native of Romania. "By approving this referendum, the Constitutional Court has given voice to the millions of Romanians who want to affirm the timeless definition of marriage. The CCR has recognized the sovereignty of the Romanian people to define marriage for themselves, as well as the supremacy of their choice over and above the dictates of pro-homosexual forces in Europe and beyond," Mihet said.

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