USA Freedom Kids from Trump Rally Getting Ready to Sue Donald's Campaign


Remember those USA Freedom kids who performed that lip-synched version of "Over There" at a Trump rally in Pensacola last January? According to a report in the Washington Post, the group is now planning to sue the Trump campaign.

"This is not a billion-dollar lawsuit," said Jeff Popick, father of the smallest Freedom Kid. "I'm doing this because I think they have to do the right thing. And if this means having to go through the court system to enforce them doing the right thing, then that's what I have to do. I'm not looking to do battle with the Trump campaign, but I have to show my girls that this is the right thing."

Popick's beef with the Trump campaign started when he asked for $2,500 in compensation for the group for the appearance at the Pensacola rally. The campaign counter-offered with no cash, but the promise of a table at the rally where his group could pre-sell their upcoming album "Freedom's Call." The table failed to materialized.

Not learning his lesson the first time, Popick accepted another offer for the kids to perform at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa. By the time his group arrived at the rally, plans had changed. They would no longer perform, but instead attended the rally in their red white and blue spangly outfits. The costs of the flights, rental cars and hotels were absorbed by Popick.

Apparently, according to emails, to set things right, Popick was demanding that the girls perform at the convention in Cleveland. His emails went unanswered.

"In lieu of compensation, in lieu of monetary compensation, that we would have this performance," Popick said. "It was largely a verbal contract, but a contract nonetheless and on two different occasions." He expects to file the lawsuit within a few weeks.

As for the upcoming USA Freedom Kids album "Freedom's Call," it's due out in September. The line "President Donald Trump knows how to make America great," will not be on it.

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