Franklin Graham Warns Communist Gender Unicorn Will Brainwash Your Kids


Who knew an innocuous looking cartoon lavender unicorn could be so nefarious?

Reverend Franklin Graham is warning parents of a lavender cartoon unicorn used in a graphic by North Carolina's Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools to teach acceptance of transgender students, which he sees as a communist-like plot aimed at "brainwashing."

"The Gender Unicorn? Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina wants to try to brainwash our children into accepting that homosexuality and transgender behavior is okay-and they're using an innocent looking Gender Unicorn to do it," wrote Graham on Facebook.

"Parents, watch out. They are using this unicorn to grab the imagination of children and make this seem acceptable," Graham continued."Their new school policy, set to go into effect August 29, includes very concerning gender neutral bathroom/locker room policies and more. The policy says staff shouldn't use the terms "girls" and "boys," but should use "scholars" or "students." It says that the school will work with students to determine when parents should be involved and that the staff can't tell parents what their gender identity is without the student's permission. Parents should be outraged and so should we."

"The Communists used brainwashing in Eastern Europe and Russia, and they took the parents out of the decision-making process and the state began to make decisions about morality. This is a dangerous path," Graham concluded.

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