Olympic Committee: Daily Beast Sent Reporter Home After 'Gay-Shaming' Article


The International Olympic Committee said Sunday it believes The Daily Beast recalled its Rio Olympics reporter after publishing his controversial article that upset many readers and was deemed "gay-shaming" by some.

Last week, The Daily Beast published an article by Nico Hines called "The Other Olympic Sport in Rio: Swiping," where the writer, who identifies as straight, trolled dating apps like Grindr and Jack'd, outing gay athletes, some from countries where being gay is unacceptable.

The site initially edited the article, removing the names of the countries the gay athletes were representing. After drawing the ire of readers, social media users and openly gay athletes, The Daily Beast eventually deleted the piece and published an editor's note apologizing for the story.

The IOC called the article "simply unacceptable" in a statement to OutSports.

"We understand the organization concerned recalled the journalist after complaints and withdrew the story," an IOC spokesperson told Outsports in an email statement. "This kind of reporting is simply unacceptable."

Hines has yet to comment about the incident, and hasn't tweeted since the story went live last week.

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