Meet 'RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars,' Season 2 :: Tatianna

Scott Holland READ TIME: 2 MIN.

In Week Two of "RuPaul's All Stars," Season 2, there was no mini challenge as the main challenge was most of America's favorite and definitely my favorite challenge: Snatch Game. This season the contestants came as: Tammie Faye Baker (Ginger), Mae West (Alaska), Bjork (Katya), Teressa Caputo (Phi Phi), Joan Crawford (Alyssa), Nancy Grace (Detox), Arianna Grande (Tatianna), Alaska 5000 (Roxxxy). In the end, the winners were Katya and Alaska, with a special honorable mention for Alyssa. The bottom three were Roxxxy, Tatiana and Detox. Alaska won the Lip Synch for Legacy and the $10,000 and decided to send the weakest link of that week home, Tatinna.

It was a pleasure to sit down with Tatianna, who we know we will be hearing a lot more from in the near future, for this exclusive Hotspots Interview.

How has your life changed since you were on D"rag Race?"

At first, when I got on for season 2, I was just excited to be on TV and work with RuPaul. Since then, I've made drag my career full time. "Drag Race" gave me a platform and amazing opportunities.

What has been some of your favorite cities to visit as a "RuPaul" Alumnus?

I love anywhere in Texas and will take up any excuse to go back to Porto Alegre in Brazil. They had the most amazing food and everyone was so nice!

How exciting was it to get called back for "All Stars?"

I was super excited, but secretly expecting I would get the call.

Did you consider not coming back, and if so, what made you come back?

Never. I wanted to come back. It's just a tremendous platform and not an opportunity I wanted to pass up.

How did you prepare differently for all stars than you did the first time on the show?

This time I actually had costumes to pack. For season 2, I had a week to get prepared and just raided American Apparel and Wet Seal. For "Drag Race All Stars" Season 2, I had my costumes custom designed. Everything was on a much larger scale.

Now that you have been eliminated, who do you want to win?

Katya. She deserves this!

What's ahead for Tatianna?

I'm thinking about getting in the studio to drop a new album, so look out for that. Other than that, I'm constantly traveling and performing drag. Come check me out!

For more information on Tatianna you can follow her on Social Media at: or, or

by Scott Holland

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