Naked Trump Returns to Hit New Heights Atop Miami Billboard


He's baaaack.

A month after popping up as an unwanted public art installation in New York, Cleveland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles, a giant naked statue of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has debuted in Miami. And this time, he's reached new heights.

According to News 7 Miami, the latest naked Donald Trump statue appeared on top of a billboard at Mana Wynwood overlooking Second Avenue. It was the second installation of the nude statue which originally appeared on top of an abandoned RC Cola plant in the heart of the Wynwood Arts District. It was moved when police said it would distract drivers on nearby Interstate 95.

Unlike the previous statue installations in other U.S. cities which were on public grounds and quickly removed my municipal authorities, this version of naked Trump sits on private property. Organizers responsible for the statue's installation say it will stay up in Wynwood as long as possible.

The statues of the cellulite-plagued billionaire, grossly overweight with laughably small genitalia were the work of the archaist collective INDECLINE, and were titled "The Emperor has no Balls," -- an obvious reference to the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale about self-absorbed Emperor who was tricked into strolling among his people nude to show off his new suit of "invisible clothes."

"Like it or not, Trump is a larger-than-live figure in world culture at the moment. Looking back in history, that's how those figures were memorialized and idolized in their time -- with statues," said an anonymous spokesperson from INDECLINE.

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